Saturday, January 2, 2016

Cards for men

A couple of the men in my life had birthdays last month, my son and one of my son in laws, so had to make those hard to come up with ideas type of cards, cards for men.
Our son is a guitarist so I paper pieced him a guitar, I downloaded a guitar image from the internet and got my shapes from that a couple of die cuts and my card was done.

For our son in law I inked up the background cut it apart and stuck it to the cork coloured paper, I also cut the ute and trees from the same paper after sticking it to some card stock, inked the edges and added them with some dimensional tape.


Maryann Laursen said...

You did an awesome job on these mens cards here. Both are fantastic made and great ideas for those men so hard to make for. I love how you made the guitar but also the other one is really awesome and both soo well made in every detail Bee.
A very Happy New Year to you and everyone around you. Give my best wishes to the girls.

Unknown said...

Both cards are wonderful , they are just so inspirational, really like the guitar one. Thanks for sharing.
Happy New Year,

Artes de Nágela said...

I loved the design!
Have a happy New Year!

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

Beautiful cards, they will love them!